The purpose of Myanmar Agape Christian Mission (MACM) is to fulfill the Great Commission by communicating the Gospel to the lost people of Myanmar and bordering areas of China, baptizing believers into Christ, teaching believers the Word of God, equipping teachers and church leaders with non-degree level and degree-level Christian education, and, planting churches for the maturing of believers in Christ.
To accomplish this purpose, Myanmar Agape Christian Mission was established in January 2003 with a great anticipation and desire to educate and train Christian leaders, such as pastors, missionaries, evangelists, youth ministers, and music ministers who are capable of reaching the people both in urban and rural areas. But MACM is not just an academic endeavor, MACM also puts its Christian education and training into practice through its evangelism and church-planting ministries in Myanmar for soul-winning to Christ and expansion of His Kingdom in Myanmar and China.
Lazarus Fish is the founder of MACM and the mission organization is currently located in Yangon, Myanmar. The two main areas of the ministry are (1) leadership training program and (2) evangelism and church planting. Currently, 21 persons work with MACM.
Myanmar Agape Christian Mission (MACM)