Myanmar Agape Christian Mission
Lazarus Fish, Founder
Lazarus Fish is the founder and Executive Director of Myanmar Agape Christian Mission (MACM). Lazarus holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from the Myanmar Institute of Theology in Yangon, a Master of Theology degree from Lincoln Christian Seminary in Lincoln, Illinois, and a Doctor of Missiology degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Lazarus also serves as the President of Yangon Christian College and Seminary (YCCS) and is founder and minister of the Yangon Christian Church.
Acha Fish, Executive Assistant
Lazarus is married to Acha Fish, who serves as Executive Assistant and bookkeeper of MACM. They have four adult children Sarah, Paul, Rachel and Elizabeth.
Rachel Fish, Ministries
Rachel Fish holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Cincinnati Christian University in Cincinnati, Ohio. She currently serves in the ministries of MACM.
Brent Tippin, Forwarding Agent
Brent Tippin works for the United States Internal Revenue Service. He has a BS in Economics from Missouri State University and an MA in Political Science from Arkansas State University. He is a member of Hillsboro Christian Church in Hillsboro, Missouri, where he serves on the missions team, and is active in the men’s ministry. He has been the forwarding agent for MACM since February 2014.
MACM correspondence or donations may be sent to Brent at:
Brent Tippin
6027 Kensington Way
Imperial, MO 63052